The Clinic
Our Staff
Dr. Bruce Goderez is a board certified psychiatrist practicing Integrative Psychiatry. In addition to conventional psychopharmacology, he utilizes a wide range of other modalities including diet and nutrition, and hormones. The integrative approach to psychiatric problems has expanded into treatment of chronic debilitating conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromylagia. He. incorporated Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy into his practice due to the high incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury/Post-concussion Syndrome among his patients. Once it became clear how many chronic difficult-to-treat conditions will respond to HBOT, he resolved to offer treatment to all patients who might benefit..
Elizabeth Curry is a certified Medical Assistant with years of experience in urgent care situations. She is responsible for assisting patients through HBOT sessions, monitoring their progress, and coordinating the delivery and set-up of rental chambers for home use.
Pioneer Valley Hyperbaric has been providing outpatient Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Hadley, MA, since 2015. We have a 40" reclining chamber large enough for an adult and child, which is useful when treating autistic children. We also have an upright chamber in which one can sit comfortably, which can acommodate a wheelchair when necessary. We can also arrange rental chambers that allow treatment to be delivered conveniently at home.